AIESEC In Universitas Indonesia Held Global Village Winter 2025
One of the largest cities in Indonesia is Makassar, South Sulawesi. Makassar not only offers excellent tourist destinations that can be visited, but also delicious legendary culinary variations. You can explore the legendary culinary variety of Makassar that has various flavors ranging from savory, sweet to spicy.
Here are 5 legendary Makassar culinary that you must try!
The aroma successfully makes hungry: Coto Makassar
One of the things that cross the mind of tourists when visiting Makassar is to try Coto Makassar. Coto Makassar is one of the legendary culinary that has existed since the time of the Gowa Kingdom.
This legendary Makassar culinary is made with the basic ingredients of beef and beef offal which are processed with special spice concoctions whose total spices can reach 40.
Spice-rich soup: Pallubasa
Just like with Coto Makassar, this one food is also made from beef. Although it looks similar to coto makassar, this processed food is completely different. Pallubasa soup has a very thicker and slightly brownish texture, another characteristic is that Pallubasa is served with the addition of serundeng and egg yolks. The most popular place to eat a portion of pallubasa you can come to “Pallubasa Serigala”.
The freshness is amazing: Es Pisang Ijo
This legendary Makassar culinary is made with processed steamed bananas wrapped in green omelet skin. Es Pisang Ijo is served with thick coconut milk sauce and topped with sweet Makassar red syrup to add flavor to the soup. The banana used to make this food is a type of banana that is generally used by the people of Makassar, namely plantain, ambon banana, or ripe kepok banana.
This legendary culinary of Makassar is so iconic that it is very easy to find in all corners of the city of Makassar. If you want to taste this legendary Makassar culinary, you can come to Losari beach, there are many traders who sell Pisang Ijo along the edge of the beach.
Body-warming drink: Sarabba
Sarabba is a drink that is a legendary Makassar culinary that is healthy. This drink is made with ginger, brown sugar, and coconut milk. This drink is very suitable to drink in the rainy season which can warm the body. This legendary Makassar culinary is widely sold and you can find it on Jalan Sungai Cerekang at night. The efficacy of ginger contained in this drink has many benefits, one of which is to increase stamina.
Characteristic aroma of roasted banana: Pisang Epe
If you walk along Losari Beach, you will find rows of vendors selling Pisang Epe. The word “Epe” comes from Makassar language which means pinch. This legendary Makassar culinary is made from processed plantains that are burned and clamped to form flattened. It tastes savory and sweet because it is splashed with palm sugar.
Along with the many enthusiasts of Pisang Epe, Pisang Epe traders innovate by providing a variety of flavors ranging from chocolate, cheese to durian. One of the favorite Pisang Epe stalls in Makassar is Pisang Epe Mandiri. This stall has been established since 1990 and still exists today.
Those are some legendary food recommendations from Makassar that make you hungry when you see it. If you have plans in the near future for a vacation in Makassar. You must taste the five legendary foods above.
Writer : Alifandi Hidayat
5 Yogyakarta Foods You Must Try – Indonesia Youth Foundation