Sumpah Pemuda: The Role of Youth in The Nation’s Independence
Indonesia Youth Foundation now has published the second edition of IYF Updates. Through IYF Updates, Indonesia Youth Foundation will share what the organization has done and will do in the future, so people can easily know about us and our events better. In our second newsletter the topic is “Yogyakarta: History and Its destinations”.
We have written all activities we did on February and some up coming activities on March. In IYF Updates you can also read more interesting informations about Indonesia. In this edition we will bring you to feel the history of Yogyakarta and take you to travel in Yogyakarta. Not only travelling, but also we will learn Indonesian language together, read some great opinion articles about public diplomacy and many more you can find in this edition. Exciting, right?
What are you waiting for?
Click the link below, and feel the journey!
IYF Update V O L U M E 1 | N O . 2 | F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 1