Student’s Survival for Facing Covid-19

Recently, a new coronavirus emerged and found out about the COVID-19 outbreak in China in December 2019, and spread throughout the country. Since its status has become a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and official government information on the number of patients with this virus, everyone needs to take preventive measures.

Indonesia Youth Foundation (IYF) in collaboration with Persatuan Belia Islam Nasional Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PEMBINA UKM) conducted a Live Talk Show, Saturday (11/14/2020). The event with the theme ”student’s survival for facing Covid-19” invited Imran Hakim as a student at The Nasional Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. And also the head of activism Persatuan Belia Islam at the Nasional Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. As well as representatives from IYF M. Fuad Tingal very Juan as coordinator of human resources development.

Mr Imran, who is currently studying online at home, said he was initially able to attend a Malaysian national university. Mr. Imran initially received support from parents who were alumni of the Malaysian national university.

Mr. Imran, who is currently studying political science, explained the reason for his interest in politics, especially in relation to international politics today. ” at the moment I am very interested in political strategy and ideology in the subject between countries. which is also a lesson given in the political science department of the National University of Malaysia’.

After getting acquainted with Mr. Imran, Mr. Fuad continued the topic of livetalk discussion, with the topic of the current state and status of covid-19 in Malaysia.

” Malaysia at the beginning of the pandemic also had difficulty in handling covid-19, especially regarding restrictions on foreigners entering Malaysia this also caused the spread of covid-19 in Malaysia increasingly difficult to control. Malaysia has now conducted the Health Operational Standards announced by WHO, which is carried out in stages to evaluate the spread of covid-19 in the community” – said Mr Imran.

Mr Fuad continued: ‘Currently as a student how does Mr Imran see and argue regarding the handling of covid-19.?

Mr Imran argued that ” currently the percussion activities carried out online, are detrimental to some students who feel less able in preparing online learning facilities, this causes an increase in students experiencing stress because they cannot follow the learning better’.’

Currently in Malaysia many Non government organizations (NGOs) are helping to make donations in supporting learning facilities for underprivileged students. – Imran said.

Mr. Imran argues that the problem of uneven internet networks in Malaysia , especially areas in villages that are very far from the reach of the internet. Cause students should try to find a network to a place that is affordable to the internet. it takes a lot of struggle in online learning in remote areas.

According to Mr. Imran how can Indonesia and Malaysia work together to provide solutions to this problem, as a student activist? Ask mr. fuad

” for this case is a complicated issue, because the two countries hold territorial restrictions on each other. So now the support in the form of encouragement from friends, family and support facilities is a good solution for now.

Related to future planing during this pandemic fuad and Imran think as students we can still do all the best activities, stay productive, more creative, always think positively that there is always a solution in every problem.

” the current pandemic does cause problems, especially the level of stress experienced by students due to assignments and social restrictions, nowadays perhaps social and cultural exchanges can help Malaysian-Indonesian students to discuss and exchange cultures virtually, because distance is not a barrier. This can help students get to know each other and share experiences, for this difficult time. – Fuad said.

Mr. Imran argues that ” Nowadays as students we must be able to further improve ourselves and learn new things, not only related to lecture activities, hopefully with self-development students can be more productive, we must be able to manage the time so that during this pandemic we are not left behind and continue to develop.

Basically the Covid-19 pandemic has impacts that can weaken human activity in general. There is no denying that many people initially thought that the Covid-19 pandemic was a difficult time for mankind. However, without us knowing the many positive sides that we can pick from the Covid-19 pandemic that is sweeping the world to this day. The impact felt is real and can be felt by everyone. However, people cannot make the Covid-19 pandemic as a reason not to carry out activities, especially in the field of education.

At the end of the talkshow session, Mr. Imran and Mr. Fuad expect the relationship between Indonesian-Malaysian students to remain established and able to provide ideas and solutions related to the problems faced. Do not make this pandemic problem as a barrier to sharing stories.


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