AIESEC In Universitas Indonesia Held Global Village Winter 2025
Hello, G’Youth!
How’s your day?
May in this fluctuating Covid-19 pandemic we all remain in a sufficient and healthy state
To fill your day, we are announcing that Indonesia Youth Foundation has published the sixth edition of IYF Updates!!!
Through IYF Updates, Indonesia Youth Foundation will share what the organization has done and will do in the future, so people can easily know about us and our events better. In our sixth newsletter the topic is “It’s been a year, and some full of surprises are coming!”
We have written all the activities we did and also what our members have achieved in June. In IYF Updates you can also read more interesting information about Indonesia. In this edition we will bring you to know more about what has happened in Indonesia in June.
Apart from the phenomena that occur in Indonesia, reading IYF Updates will open your horizons of knowledge about what is actually happening right now: The Origin of Dangdut in Indonesia, Online Activity to Expand Your Experience, A New Hobby Amid Pandemic, Best Diving Spot, and Signature of Jakarta
So, what are you waiting for?
Click the link below, and feel the journey!
IYF Updates V O L U M E 1 | N O . 6 | JUNE 2 0 2 1