AIESEC In Universitas Indonesia Held Global Village Winter 2025
Several days ago, on 3rd November, Indonesia youth foundation hold an Instagram live with Global Millennial Model United Nations.
There were Mr. Fauzi Wahyu Zamzami, the founder of Indonesia youth foundation, and Mr. Muflih Dwi Fikri, the founder of Global Millenial MUN.
The topic of this Instagram live was youth empowerment. The discussion began when both of the speakers shared their experience in establishing their platform; Indonesia Youth Foundation and Global Millennial MUN.
As Mr. Muflih said, his intention of establishing Global Millennial mun is because he wanted to promote MUN to more people, empower the young generation, and encourage them to join this kind of activities, since MUN is always seen as an activity only for International relation student.
He then asked back to Mr. Fauzi about his motivation for establishing Indonesia Youth Foundation and his goal for this NGO. Mr. Fauzi explained his long journey on finding and finally establishing Indonesia Youth Foundation.
He mentioned that his intention came when he realized that there was no organization in Indonesia that similar to Japan’s foundation or Korea foundation.
Moreover, he realized that there are many platforms in Indonesia that trying to bring many Indonesian students to have an exchange abroad while very little numbers of the organization that providing access for foreigners to have an exchange activity in Indonesia.
Mr. Fauzi argued that bringing foreigners to come to Indonesia will have many benefits such as increasing Indonesia’s foreign exchange as well as promoting Indonesia culture and language itself.
Mr. Fauzi and Mr. Muflih then talked about how they see this covid-19 pandemic and how this pandemic affects the youth in terms of their achievement.
Mr. Fauzi stated that it is about our mindset. Many people had talked to him that they could not achieve anything because of covid-19, meanwhile, some people said that because of covid-19, they already got many things. He said that covid-19 should not be our excuse to achieve our targets and improve our selves.
Besides, Mr. Muflih also said that this covid-19 pandemic makes him more productive. He can do many things and also created this beneficial platform, Global Millenial MUN.
Both of them argued that Indonesia youth foundation and Global Millenial MUN would never be created and founded if the covid-19 pandemic did not happen.
It is showing that this pandemic does not really hinder us from our target therefore we should not make this pandemic situation as an excuse.
Furthermore, Mr. Fauzi and Mr. Muflih shared about their future activities that possibly will be held after this pandemic ends.
Indonesia Youth Foundation, as Mr. Fauzi mentioned, will send 2-4 their best volunteer to teach English in Thailand.
On the other hand, global millennial MUN, as Mr. Muflih said, will hold several MUN from country to country as well as some other activities that still in the planning process.
The conversation continued when these 2 amazing founders, Mr. Fauzi and Mr. Muflih talked about their most inspiring and impactful person and how those inspirational figures affect and change their lives.
The discussion ended with the conversation about how both of them see and define the ‘good leader’.
Mr. Fauzi argued that a good leader is someone who can understand his/her member really well. A good leader according to him is someone who can push their member to always improve their selves.
In line with Mr. Fauzi’s opinion, Mr. Muflih added that a leader is about influence. According to him, a good leader is someone who can influence his/her member to become a better person.