Sumpah Pemuda: The Role of Youth in The Nation’s Independence
Fauzi Wahyu Zamzami is currently the Student of International Relations at Universitas Islam Indonesia focusing on Public Diplomacy and Global Communication.
He believes that youth have an important role in a country’s public diplomacy to improve the country’s image in the international world. At the age of 20, He has invited as a speaker in 5 international conferences and published 20+ articles in mass media.
In 2020, he was awarded as the 2020 Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences Most Outstanding Student.
Ciptadi Akbar Ahdiat is an undergraduate student of International Relations Department at Ege University, Turkey.
He is interested in Political Sciences and Education. He is an awardee of scholarship from Turkey, Thailand, Hult International Business School in The USA and Erasmus+ program in Germany.
Beside that, he is also a founder of Para Pencari Mimpi, a founder of CTC, Co-Founder of Indonesia Youth Foundation, a chairperson of Indonesian Student Association in İzmir 2020-2021 and so on. He is also a Turkish language teacher in private online course.
Nazhira Fatimah Sulaksana is a Tourism Student in State Polytechnic of Bali. She is interested in travel, tourism, writing, and learning foreign languages.
Her passion in learning foreign languages led her to become first winner in A1 Niveau German Language Competition in East Priangan Region in 2016. She actively writes on her own blog, and writes about travel.
In 2019 she did an internship program as content writer at Youth Break The Boundaries Foundation for 6 months. Then in early 2020, she went to Turkey and participated on Istanbul Youth Summit as a commitee which was initiated by Youth Break The Boundaries Foundation.
Besides that, she is also a Co-Founder of Indonesia Youth Foundation and
Anisa Sopiah is a Student of International Relations at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. She is very interested with gender and humanitarian issues.
She was Indonesian Delegation for 42nd Session of UNHRC in Geneva, Switzerland 2019.
Nia is a Bachelor of Geophysics Engineering student at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology. In 2018-2019 she has accepted at 6 universities to study abroad.
She aims to improve girl skills in engineering and programming. She also has strong-willed to encourage the girl to speak up their words and to show up their talented, because the girl has same opportunities too.
Irvina is a student at the Islamic University of Indonesia, islamic education major
meeting and working with new people is common to her.
The interesting thing about her is that she is recognized as a good listener for everyone around me. She had an internship at HMJ in the field of interests and talents, and she still 2nd treasurer at Jama’ah Al Faraby FIAI.
Neng Vivie Nurfauziah Rukmini, called as Nurfa or Vivi. She’s come from Banten, to study a banchelor of Political Science major in State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung.
She was studied at Universiti Putera Malaysia also for 2 weeks, in Fakulti Ekologi Manusia. She’s very interesting about sosial environment, politic, religion, education, all about journalism, and marketing communication.
She really like to inspirate each other, and one of her own bussiness in @soci0waste is the way how she inspired anothers with Zero Waste lifestyle.
Dhandi is a strong-willed yet idealist person who knows what he wants and how he gets it. He believes that dreams can come true so he is always up for a challenge and ready to take risks.
Currently, he is an IPB University student with an Agribusiness Management program. Playing basketball, reading books, and jogging are his hobbies.
Muhammad Fuad Tingai Very Juan is an undergraduate of International Relation Department at Islamic University of Indonesia.
He is interested in middle east study and Nasheed, beside that he is a singer. He was a nasheed mentor at Syiar Anak Negeri Metro Tv 2020. He is also a HRD in Indonesia Youth Foundation.
Zidane Ariyandy is an undergraduate student of Statistics Department at Brawijaya University.
He is interested in data analyze, particularly in multivariate analysis. He is also a Mathematics Mentor at Done Course Malang.
He ie currently a Vice President of Student Executive Board at Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Brawijaya University.
Hizrian Fariz Zhaviery is an entrepreneur. He graduated from the Business and Economic Faculty at Lambung Mangkurat University focused on the entrepreneur and strategic management.
He is interested in business and management issues such as human development, business strategy, leadership, marketing, financial, and small-medium enterprise.
He worked at Bank Syariah Mandiri as a Marketing. He was a South Borneo delegates for Indonesia Youth Conference in Banjarmasin.
Miranda Seftiana, lahir di Hulu Sungai Selatan pada 16 September 1996. Menyenangi dunia literasi. Bercita-cita menjadi Psikolog Klinis Anak.
Ragiel Harnawidyanto is an Undergraduate Student of Psychology at Bosowa University in Makassar. This Introvert man wants to break his comfort zone to get more insightful things in his whole life.
He has an enthusiasm for flourishing and developing youth interests and talents in achieving self-actualization. He also has a willingness to build up his skills, self-capacity, and improving all his passion to get his life goals.
I’m a psychology student with interest in social activities, project management and people development.
I’am a perceptive communicator with proven interpersonal skills and capacity to engage, compel and liaise with colleagues and external stakeholders.
I like to be involved in activities outside the study halls through participation in various local organizations, volunteer and internship program which experiences have equipped me with the skills of communication, leadership and conflict management.
Priscilla Nathania Ozora is an undergraduate student at Brawijaya University majoring in Psychology. She is passionate about education, social activities and mental health.
Priscilla aspires to be a professional psychologist and raise public awareness of the importance of physical and psychological health.
She is also actively involved in a campaign for the prevention of bullying against youth in Indonesia.
Kunni is a bachelor of history student at Anadolu University, Turkey. She believes studying history enable her to develop better understanding of the world.
She loves traveling as it allows her to improve knowledges that aren’t taught in the classroom. it also helps her to explore new experiences without fear.
Theres a saying that says ‘jobs could fill your pocket but adventures fill your soul’.
Febryana is a Bachelor of Business Administration student in Anadolu University, Turkey.
Her interest is to gain more knowledges and experiences of different cultures all across the globe, thus, improving relationships between the youth all around the world is important to her to broaden her horizon.
She strives to be the part of something that will help her develop great understanding in every aspect of life.
Saya adalah orang yang sangat tertarik untuk selalu melakukan hal-hal baru yang belum pernah saya lakukan sebelumnya.
Selain itu, saya adalah orang yang sangat analitis di mana saya sangat gemar menggali ilmu-ilmu atau informasi yang bermanfaat.
Keunikan yang saya miliki adalah saya adalah seorang pendiam yang berusaha untuk menjadi pendengar yang baik bagi orang lain.
Satria is a passionate person to live his life to the fullest. He is a simple man. He has average skill but phenomenal will. His interest in exploring social and political issues makes him always want to improve himself and learn from anyone.
Currently, he is pursuing his bachelor’s degree at Universitas Gadjah Mada in the major of politics and government.
He seeks to marry ideas and execution because he believes that ideas are pointless without execution, and vice versa, execution is purposeless without ideas.
Nama saya Lucke Kharimah Pamungkas Saputro, asli malang Jawa TImur dan biasa di panggil Lucke.
Saya rasa secara pribadi saya orang yang cukup humble, gampang berteman, dan suka mencari hal-hal baru mau itu ilmu dan pengalaman hidup.
Tapi untuk masalah weakness, saya rasa sifat yang paling jelek adalah perasaan malas yang timbul seperti penyakit bulanan, ditambah ketika hidup mulai serasa monoton dan tidak ada progress dalam diri saya sendiri.
Karena itulah, untuk menghalau rasa malas, saya sering menyibukkan diri dengan mengikuti pelbagai kegiatan seperti lomba, organisasi, kumpul diskusi rutin, apa saja yang dapat memberikan pengalaman dan perluasan wawasan pribadi saya.
Saya rasa saya seperti sponge, suka menyerap apa apa saja yang saya lihat lalu akan saya keluarkan sendiri hal-hal jelek yang tidak saya butuhkan dari diri saya sendiri.
Seperti yang saya lakukan dengan IYF, saya harap dapat mendapatkan banyak pengalaman baru yang dapat mengisi hari-hari saya selain belajar secara monoton.
Safira is doing a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. She is an enthusiast and focused on the environmental problem and human nature.
She got some achievements in mathematics and science national and regional olympiads. Besides, She made a free small English female community for non-native English women who want to practice English, especially in the speaking area.
So always help and spread kindness for others and the community.
Hamamurizki is a bachelor student of politics philosophy and economic at Asian University for Women Bangladesh.
She loves to write, passionate in public speaking as well as leadership skills and Involved in many organization. She is currently a chairman of Indonesian student association in Bangladesh.
Saskia Salsabila is a lifelong learner who’s eager to challenge herself outside her comfort zone to be the best version of herself.
She is passionate about business development and won the Hackathon Pitching in Youth Speak Forum AIESEC Malaysia.
She had experience working with diverse people in the world’s largest global youth-run organization.
She also involved herself in some international and national volunteer projects to contribute to society.
A business development enthusiast with over 7 years’ experience in banking industry and multinational hospitality tech start-up company.
A man who loves mother is struggling in master degree with scholarship, visioner, humble, sociable, and truly life learner.
Qurais shihab is a social worker, an individual who is accustomed to socializing, meeting and working with new people. Good communicator and problem solver. Have high creativity and work spirit to achieve work targets.
Currently studying in the co-assistant program of Airlangga University and as a journalist in Narasi TV and Jawa post media. Successfully developed the platform and managed to get the opportunity to participate in international Conferences and competitions in the fields of health, environment and animal science, successfully delivering Rai as the best graduate of Airlangga University 2020.
Nisa Rosanis is an undergraduate of Economic Development, International Class at Jenderal Soedirman University. She is interested in reading and writing, also learning something new.
She is highly organized to help herself to stay on top of deadlines. She enjoys meeting new people in various backgrounds and also finding ways to an uplifting experience.
She like making people feel comfortable in her presence too. She is also an awardee of the Global Korea Scholarship Non-degree Program for Foreign Exchange Students 2019, from the Korean Ministry of Education in Pukyong National University, Department of Business Administration, Busan, South Korea
I am 21 years old. I am from Padang, West Sumatera. I am study in brawijaya university in economics major. I am so interested in education, especially international program.
I hope that I can contribute a lot to the community and also contribute to make a change in all the good things for the future in our country.
Malik Dji, a student majoring in tourism, hotel management study program. He is an AFIRMASI scholarship recipient student. and currently he is a tourism ambassador for Bali ecotourism 2020.
He is also the chairman of the Bali State Polytechnic Affirmation Scholarship and have been the chairman of the affirmation meeting in Bali. He is currently at the Indonesian Youth Foundation as a Public Relations Leader.
Saya adalah seorang pemimpi yang pekerja keras, penuh ambisi, dan pantang menyerah. Selain itu, saya adalah pribadi yang ingin selalu berbagi kebahagiaan dan hal baik serta bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
Dimas Agung Fattahillah is currently working for the Ministry of State Secretariat as a news analyst. Since 2013, He has been working as professional in the field of communication, analytics and public relations for several years.
He was also actively involved in several voluntary activities, including as a teacher in Kelas Inspirasi Bekasi and Jakarta (2016). Also, the group leader in Kelas Inspirasi Pekalongan and Bekasi (2017). He always believed that life is a never-ending lesson, and everyone can be a valuable teacher.
Hi!, I’m Zakira Putri Setyadi. I’m eighteen years old, I’m the first semester student who likes to share her knowledge and experiences to others especially to youth, and make it useful for them.
Because I want my self to progress and develop, but I prefer the youth around me are also progress and develop with me. And as a fairly young adult, I’m very interested in public diplomacy.
Because with that, I could represent my country and carry it’s good name. On the other hand, I also really like to learn about many things.
An introvert girl who loved to explore a new things, make a lot of experiences, eat a lot of food, and loved to make a new friend.
A person who isn’t really ambitious yet very descipline and hardworking at the same time.
Denna is a bachelor student of international relation at Parahyangan Catholic University with focus study in media, diplomacy, and communication.
Currently pursuing a Master’s Degree at PPM School of Management. She loves to travelling, exploring ambitious ideas, read books, eager to learn and writes what’s on her mind.
Febiola Kartika, dipanggil Febi. Merupakan seorang yang aktif , energic, dan suka mengeksplorasi tantangan.
Kegiatan yang fokus ia geluti adalah mengikuti kegiatan volunteer untuk meningkatkan pengalaman yang dibutuhkan dalam mempersiapkan kemampuan menghadapi dunia kerja.
Febi merupakan anggota aktif dari divisi External Relation dan Indonesia Youth Foundation, serta event planner We Are Leaders.
Tidak hanya aktif dalam berorganisasi, Febi merupakan salah satu atlet tim inti Kota Bekasi dalam mempersiapkan diri pada PORDA 2022 mendatang pada cabang olahraga Menembak Senapan Angin berjarak 10m.
Meski kegiatannya cukup padat dan aktif, Febi selalu mengatur waktunya dalam menyelesaikan kegiatan-kegiatan yang ia tekuni dengan bertanggung jawab.
Sri Angelina Che Lin is awardee Türkiye Bursları Scholarship 2018. Currently studying at Ankara Haci bayram Veli University in Ankara Turkey, Turkish language litterature.
Interested in language, social and cultural education. Participating in voluntary language and culture teaching organizations and social activities.
Mashita is a master student in International Relations major at Ankara University, Turkey. She graduated from Hasanuddin University in Indonesia and was awarded Türkiye Bursları scholarship afterwards.
She was an active member of Hasanuddin University English Debating Society and MUN Club therefore had participated in numerous local and national competition.
She also has a strong passion for acquiring new knowledge of leadership skills and youth development.
Fannisya Aulya Iskandar is an ongoing student of English Education at Yogyakarta State University focusing on Translation Study. She loves reading books and is highly passionate about language, education, and gender equality.
She was awarded as Outstanding Student in the Field of Reasoning 2020 by the Chancellor of Yogyakarta State University in commemoration of the 2020 National Education Day and the 56th Anniversary of UNY.
An accounting student living in Bogor who is deeply passionate about Indonesian culture and history. Loves to teach, write, and wishes to be a journalist in the future.
Having been involved in several volunteering projects focused on education and literacy for the last two years.
She is a young woman from Indonesian Studies at IYF, who was graduated from Bachelor of Applied Science focused on Financial Accounting from State Polytechnic of Jakarta (PNJ).
Currently working as an ERP Functional Consultant and as part-timer of accounting instructor at Indonesian Institute of Accouting (IAI). She is very enthusiastic, adaptive, interested in music especially in singing, teaching, islamic politic, financial planning and children psychology.
Additionally, she loves writing and thinking, she is concerned about how important the mindset is in changing human life and she is active to share what’s on her mind on social media, personal blog ( or personal podcast, check it out on Mendengar Tulisan.
I am fresh graduate of English Language Teaching in UNESA, and I am a passionate teacher with history of working in multiple organizations.
Muthia Salsabila is a college student of Economics and Development Studies at Diponegoro University. She loves to explore new things and interact with new people.
She is interested in learning a new languages and culture from around the world. She also has a passion to acquire new skills and knowledge about youth development and social welfare.
Alifia Afflatus or usually called Al is now pursuing her history bachelor degree in Diponegoro University, Semarang, as well as being a freelance writer.
She is a literature, socioculture and humanity enthusiast. Besides writing, Al also is active on cross-cultural projects and activities.
Rainasyia is currently a foundation student and is expected to start her undergraduate studies in the University of Queensland majoring in International Relations.
She is very interested in global issues, especially in the humanitarian aspect. Throughout high school, she was very involved in the Model UN circuit, racking up multiple awards such as Most Outstanding Delegate in ALSA e-MUN 2019 among many others.
She was also the recipient of the Chrysalis Chairman’s Scholarship in 2018 to go to Chrysalis International Young Leaders Conference in Australia where she then won the Bronze Award at the Group Presentation Finale.
Felice adalah staf divisi International Cooperation yang juga merupakan mahasiswi tahun ketiga di Departemen Ilmu Hubungan Internasional Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Di waktu luangnya, kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan oleh Felice adalah membaca dan menulis.
Saat ini Felice juga bekerja paruh waktu sebagai Asisten Peneliti di Center for Digital Society UGM.
An currently still in Senior High School after completing her exchange study in New York, United States of America.
She has many achievement and become the most outstanding student in her current school, she loves people and different culture, in months during her exchange, she completing more than 100 hours of community services hours for volunteering.
Nala Amirah is a high school environmental and social advocate from Jakarta, studying in SMA Labschool Cibubur.
Growing up in the pearls of the Middle East in Bahrain, she has taken her interest to many global issues by always being open minded to exploring new areas, ideas and opportunities.
When she’s not at school, you will most likely be seeing her capturing moments on her camera or mingling with her passion and aspirations to become an environmental change maker as well as being a social butterfly.
I was born in Jakarta, but raised in Abu Dhabi therefore Im the type of person who has always lived in a multicultural community.
Currently a first year student in Asia Pacific University, Malaysia majoring in International Relations.
I hope to represent Indonesia one day in United Nations with my diplomatic skills. My hobbies include reading, travelling, and photography.
Amar Hamdani was a college student of STMIK IKMI Cirebon, majoring in informatics management. He is interested in IT, especially the web and programming base on iOS (Swift).
Saya merupakan orang yang mudah bersosialisasi dengan lingkungan baru, dan mudah untuk berteman, saya juga memiliki goals untuk kuliah S2 di Luar Negri.
Saya lulusan IT USU angkatan 2014. Selama kuliah, saya aktif mengerjakan projek web untuk tugas kuliah. Saya mulai belajar bidang data science dan machine learning sejak akhir-akhir kuliah, karena itu skripsi saya berkaitan dengan data science. Saat ini saya sedang mengikuti training data science dari DTS 2020.
Student of Computer Science with a willing to work! Skilled at something related to Technology and Information. Punctual problem solver and avid multitasker.
Muhammad Rafli Lubis is a student of Islamic University of Indonesia, majoring in international relations.He has an ambition to become intellectual diplomat with islmaic values.
He is interested in contemporary issues of the Middle East region. He is also a awardee of the KALTIM TUNTAS 2019 academic scholarship.
Rida Nadiatul Huda, an undergraduate student, major in Public Health at Asian University for Women.
An INFJ-T who is very passionate about learning, writing, and reading; mostly about self-improvement, education, psychology, and Islam.
Additionally, she also appreciates arts and love sharing stories – mainly in her blog called Rida’s Journal.
Alya Shalsabillah is an alumni of 48 Vocational High School (Broadcast Department).
Her hobbies are :
writing, singing, song-writing, martial arts, swimming and language-learning.
She is interested in Education field because she believes education can create great human resources to develop the country.
Her team (Satya Dwi Warna short movie) won the best 4th in Gelar Karya Film Pelajar 2018. The value she got from it was “When a team has good collaboration, the result will be beyond the expectation”
Her dreams are to have a school and continue her study abroad.
Emira Anjani is a recent highschool graduate from the Australian Independent School, Jakarta. She’s a hardworking, reliable individual who loves to read, watch movies and travel.
Currently undergoing a gap year, she dedicates her time to study for next year’s university intake, expand her knowledge through external incentive and networking.
Emira is also active in dancing, she is trained in ballet for 13 years and jazz contemporary for 4 years from Namarina Dance Academy.
She strongly believes that it is her responsibility as an educated individual to help the advancement and availability of education for those who are incapable.
Rafsan is a college freshman at the Urban and Regional Planning Department of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology.
His love for books, comics, and movies are the foundation of his passion for writing.
Interested also in copywriting, he learns the fundamentals of digital marketing and has written about it in his personal blog. Currently active on his Medium page writing in-depth articles about something he is interested in.
Bilova/Niko is currently an undergraduate student majoring Communication and Community Development.
Previously, she has participated in various organizations and events as a part of the creative team. Being an arts and media enthusiast, she is also passionate in cultural, environmental, and psychological studies.
She is highly perceptive about people and want to help others achieve understanding. Her hobbies includes drawing, music, and surfing on the internet.
Aditya Muhammad Ilyas is a New College student of Visual Communication Design at the Nusa Putra University Sukabumi. He get fully funded scholarship from Nusa Putra University for 4 years.
He has a high creativity for graphic design which is his passion. He aims to improve his graphic design skills by join some of organization in order to get a lot of experiences. And, he is the youngest member of Indonesia Youth Foundation.
Andira Nur Ramadhanti is currently studying communication studies at Universitas Airlangga. She’s familiar with simple design and photography and always try to do her best to do the tasks she was given to.
Saya seorang INFJ-T yang senang bereksplorasi dan mempelajari hal-hal baru. Tertarik dengan isu tentang mental health, wanita dan anak, dan lingkungan. Sangat menyukai buku atau film bergenre sci-fi
I love journalism, film and design. I am also active in two campus organizations, namely the student press and Islamic spirituality.
I aspire to be a tourism journalist who can be useful for me personally, many people, religion and Indonesia.
I am very interested in art and social. I have won many competitions such as drawing and design competitions since i was a kid.
Because drawing is my hobby and I also really love to socialize and learn with new people, I have participated in many social activities too and my biggest achievement is when i became an representative of South Sumatera, Indonesia to 4th ASEAN Scout Jamboree in Thailand.
I am a creative person in developing ideas and thoughts that I usually put them into the pictures or designs and videos that I make.
Passionate in graphic design and creative industry. Always looking forward to improve myself and learn something new to improving my skills.
Interest in social service to help people in need. I Like to learning by doing and capable to work in team well.